Lab Links
Download Lab Report templates for the AP Biology Labs
Lab Safety
Scientific Method Lab: Cricket Lab
Intro Lab: Volume Graphs
AP Lab 1: Enzymes Lab (Alternate): Catalase Lab (This is a hands-on lab. You will need to purchase active dry yeast, coffee filters, and hydrogen peroxide) (Alternate): Enzyme-Controlled Reactions (Alternate): Enzyme Catalyst (Alternate): Enzyme Kinetics Lab (Alternate): Enzyme Thermodynamics Lab
AP Lab 2: Difusion and Osmosis Lab (Alternate): Active Transport Lab
AP Lab 3a: Mitosis Lab AP Lab 3b: Meiosis Lab
AP Lab 4a: Plant Pigments I (Alternate): Plant Pigments II
AP Lab 4b: Photosynthesis I (Alternate): Photosynthesis II (Alternate): Leaf Lab
AP Lab 5: Respiration Lab (Alternate): Mitochondria Lab (Alternate): Respiration Lab III
AP Lab 6: Bacterial Transformation (Alternate): Translation Lab (Alternate): Hemoglobin Lab (ALternate): BioTech Corn (Alternate): DNA WebLabs
AP Lab 7: Fly Lab Chi Square Practice Lab (Alternate): Corn Genetics Lab Genetic Corn: Use with Corn Genetics Lab (Alternate): Genetics WebLabs (Alternate):Pedigree Lab
Lab 8: Population Genetics Lab (Alternate): Fishy Frequencies (You will need to purchase 2 types of goldfish crackers for this lab) (Alternate): Evolution 1 Lab or Evolution 2 Lab (Follow the online directions for this lab and generate your own lab report! Evolution 1 is at Biology Labs Online and Evolution 2 at BioCourse)
Lab 9: Transpiration Lab (Alternate):Transpiration Lab
Lab 10: Blood Pressure (Alternate): Cardio Lab (Alternate): Reaction Time
Lab 11: Animal Behavior
Lab 12a: Dissolved Oxygen Lab 12b: Water Quality Lab 12c: Primary Productivity
Lab Bench--Lab Review
Other Lab Simulation and Interactive Biology Sites to Explore
Virtual Microscope Labs
Virtual Microscope Review how a microscope functions!
Virtual Microscope: Mitosis Use with Mitosis/Meiosis Lab
Virtual Microscope: Meiosis Use with Mitosis/Meiosis Lab
Make a Micrograph
Virtual Stem Cell Lab
Genetics WebLabs Tutorials to help you understand genetics
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Virtual Labs
Virtual Biotechnology Labs
Medical Mysteries
DNA Fingerprinting Laboratory
Online Science Labs
Simulations from Children's Hospital, Boston